this little girl of mine...

Cowgirl Zoey

has so much love of life.  Awhile back we had a bit of a downer of a day (what I experienced as such anyways) and I took her to a park pretty much so she could play and I could collect my thoughts and while she was swinging from the monkey bars she screams out at the top of her lungs, "THIS IS MY LIFE!" with the biggest grin on her face.  In that moment I could breathe again and my thoughts were clear and my perspective changed.  This is her life.  It's my life...our life...and it truly is amazing.  I don't want to lose sight of  that.  Ever.  No matter what comes our way we have the control over how we deal with it.

Cowgirl Zoey

I love you Zoey Raen with all of my heart and I thank you for all the little life lessons that you share with me when it seems that I need them most.

Cowgirl Zoey

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Vicky said...

what a little doll! Isn't it amazing what we can still learn from children :) tfs

Patty said...

Zoey is so darn cute!