Getting Ready...

It's been a super crazy busy week here with Ethan getting back into the routine of going back to school with in-service and my working as well.  Zoey hung out with friends of ours for the beginning of the week and then my mom came to stay with her for the end of the week which was nice because it was the first time that she got to see the inside of the new house!  AND the timing of our needing her to care for Zoey also meant that she got to see the new school that Zoey is going to since it was registration day and picture day.  Very fun and helpful to boot.  THANKS mom!

After grandma Sue left Zoey was THRILLED to finally lose her wiggly tooth that's been loose all summer long!  Just in time for school to start!

We had our last late night for awhile...early to bed now with all of our new schedules here!

It was rainy this morning so I took advantage of the poor weather and cleaned closets and caught up on laundry so we will hopefully all feel more prepared this week.  A trip to the grocery store was called for too to get lunch items for school.

After lunch we were delighted to see the sun was out! Zoey and I headed out for a little bike ride together.

We are so lucky that we can just leave the house on our bikes and start exploring like we do.  Love where we are living so much.  It's kind of hard to tell from this photo but through the trees is the Tomahawk River.  We didn't go down to the water because the mosquitoes were getting to us but it was fun to see it nonetheless.  Can't wait for more fall-like weather so we can explore more in depth.


I love this girl so very much!

The bike ride was a great way to wind down our summer and get ready for school!  I love spending time with Zoey so much in the summer months and it just didn't happen as much as I wanted it to this summer so this day was a precious gift.  So thankful.

It's pretty crazy to think that she's going to be a 5th grader tomorrow!!  Every single year I get as excited and nervous as she does.  It's such a hopeful time.

Her lunch has been packed and it's ready to go for the morning.  My goal this year is to be prepared!! Packing lunches the night before always helps in the morning...

Zoey's backpack is all ready, lunch is packed, her outfit is set out and ready to go, she had her bath and requested curlers for her hair...we're off to a good start!

Here's to hoping that this year is the best year yet for her.  My wish for her is above all else a LOVE of learning and the ability to feel CONFIDENT in who she is.  May this year be a celebration of those two things and so much more.

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