Story + Design with Get It Scrapped


I am very excited to share that I have been invited to work with members of the Get It Scrapped community later this month! Amy Kingsford reached out to me awhile back asking if I would be interested and I immediately replied with a YES! 

This month we're telling stories of INTENTION and exploring the design aspect of CONTRAST. There will be design tips, page templates/sketches, inspiration, videos and more! Saying yes to this project meant that I had to stretch my bravery when it comes to being creative in my life. I had to learn some new things, like how to record myself speaking and then sharing that in audio format so it could be added to a video. 

The class will be in the membership December 14th. And if you're not a member, you can always join us at:

Thanks for joining me in my excitement! This is turning into a pretty great end of the year!